Tuesday, July 20, 2010

miz my artistic partner!!!!!

actually no point disitu...yeeeee jeeee....nmpak sgt xjujur syg oiii....huhuhuuu...sejujurnye...xde r nak piont kat spe2...(nada yg agak serios dicitu...) jgn slh faham...ble kte b'pikir diluar kotak kosong..mmg cm 2 kn???ok nothing to say...but,mmg sgt rndu kn partner yg agk gle artistik...huhuuuu....

the reality is...xde org tgk 1 bnda 2 mcm yg kita fikir kn????alaaaa...xyah ssh2....the simple situation bleh kita dpt kat mne2 part of our life...btul kn????msti ade org accept n reject...tul x???beauty is something abstract and we can't judge it by our perception only... that's a simple things right???

something interesting i found in KBM library...i found so many book about interior design...(hajat yg xt'cpai kn....mode sdih: ON!!!)byk gle...somenye cntik2...wlpn xde r t'lalu byk...cz kat sni xde course architecture n grafik or art...tp,aq dah tlalu teruja smpi aq nak angkut some buku2 2 blik umah....hahahahah...sgt cntik!!!!haaaa....lg 1...aq bru je blik dri kedai interior design tau!!!!pergggghhhh!!!!mate aq dah besar gle tgk some 2!!!!cntik mmg gle cntik...that's why aq ckp aq rndukn partner artistic aq!!!!lau dy ad...perggghhh!!!!!xtau r...huru hara jdnya...hahahahha....

myb concept yg dorg display 2 dah byk company wat...but...still have something interesting beside that...that all about creativity...huhuu...mmg 2 yg sorg designer kne ad kn????

ok...rsenya aq bkn org yg lyak tuk ckap byk sal bndalah nie kn...hahahaha...bjet pro r bdak nie...stop it!!!focus on your IB.....(baik~~~~~~mode patuh pd arahan: ON!!!) hahhahha....really miz them...everybody yg gle2 talk about art..hahahah....dah r..kang over plak....baik aq out skrg.....hehehhehe...sory bdak nie lau dah mncarut + mgarut....mmg pyh nak stop...hihihihih...btul x zida????
ok...i know...zida...ko xpat nk on9 sgt skrg...n aq xtau ko smpat bce ke x aq nye blog cikai nie...hihihihi....


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